Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas...

Family Drug Court Holiday Party 2010

Reconnecting Families, Inc wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season!  A special  thanks to the good people of Cobb County that make reconnecting Families, Inc possible.

Here are a few snap shots of the Family Drug Court holiday party, all thanks to the amazing people that own and run The Strand (more about The Strand here).  The Strand offered a trumpeters ballad of Christmas music, a little girl's sweet singing and a viewing of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  These happy images should fill everyone with joy for the rest of the season:

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Casa Montessori

Just before the holidays is a great time to experience some holiday goodwill from our community.  Every day is Christmas for Reconnecting Families, Inc (because the community, Courts and local businesses never fail to offer support to our amazing participants) but it never hurts to get a little extra just before the holidays.

Caroline Sierra of the Casa Montessori school (learn more about their amazing school here) heard about our program and stepped into action.  Caroline knows Judge Stedman and understands the value of what the Drug Courts do every day. She organized a children's book, clothing and household item drive and what a success!  Santa's satchel (i.e. our clothes closet) is literally bulging with warm clothes, books and toys for all the little hands and hearts of the children affected by their family members addiction.  We are so thankful to be able to provide our participants with a closet they can count on to help support themselves and their children as they struggle to get themselves clean.  Don't we all need one less thing to worry about?

A BIG thanks to Caroline Sierra and the Casa Montessori school!

Classic Santa Claus Clipart

The Georgia Ballet

Just when we thought the holidays couldn't get any jollier, another organization made a little girl's dream come true.   A drug court participant named Vicki has been a true inspiration as she embraces her sobriety and is actively using the system to help herself.  Vicki's 5 year old daughter Katie has a dream to become a ballerina.  Judge Stedman and the Reconnecting Families, Inc team approached the Georgia Ballet (read more about The Georgia Ballet here) with a difficult request.  Will you make Katie's dream come true?  Within days the amazing folks at The Georgia Ballet worked a Christmas miracle and found the funds to offer Katie a ballet scholarship complete with ballet clothes and a recital costume!

Won't we all enjoy our holidays more knowing that Katie's dancing the Nutcracker in her dreams Christmas Night?

Another BIG thanks to The Georgia Ballet!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Get By with a Little Help From our Friends....

It has been an amazing year of growth for the Reconnecting Families, Inc Family.  RF has been blessed with donations and assistance in spite of the questionable economy.  In addition, the genorosity of the Cobb County community was evident on December 9th, 2010 as the Cobb County Friendship Club presented Reconnecting Families, Inc with a donation.  The Friendship Club is an organization of county government employees who give back to the community by donating a portion of each paycheck to assist charitable organizations and fellow employees. Since its inception in 1972, the club has donated more than $1.3 million to local charities and provided more than $250,000 to county employees who faced financial crises.

See the event here:

Judy Sheppard announces the recipients

Judge Stedman accepts the Honor

All the Excited Recipients

Reconnecting Families, Inc. was able to offer thanks to the Hygun Group for being such an integral part of the team.  See the pictures of Reconnecting Families, Inc offering thanks to Hygun Group at the Cobb Chamber First Breakfast:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Faces of Angels...

On December 4th, 2010 the First Baptist Church of Marietta hosted a Breakfast with Santa party in their facility.  First Baptist invited the women of Family Dependancy Drug Court and their children to share in the special event and to offer their children a holiday celebration. 

In the words of Justin O'Dell (Chairman Elect of Reconnecting Families, Inc) to the mothers who attended:

At Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are reminded of the blessing in our lives.  Please know that you each are a blessing to the Cobb County and Marietta communities, especially to me and the folks whom I am closest.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Reconnecting Families, thank you all.  You have given us wonderful stories to share.  You have given us smiles and reasons to brag.  You have given us an opportunity to talk about hope, success and bright futures at a time when people want to talk about bad news.  You have given us the chance to devote our time, talents and treasure in making an investment in you and in your children.  There is no greater asset in the world than people.  A simple investment in the lives of those around you will pay dividends forever.  You provide those dividends each and every day.  It is our privilege and honor to support you, to know you and to help you in little ways to recover and to succeed.  Each day, we are all honored to be a small part of this program.

On behalf of the First Baptist Church of Marietta, thank you all.  You have given us moments of your lives, big and small, which we will always treasure.  You have shared your hardest moments and your greatest accomplishments.   You have given us the gifts and blessings of watching your children laugh, smile and play.  For those that have graduated, you have provided the finest example of redemption, humbleness and inner strength.  For those that have yet to graduate, you have provided us the promise that we will have a continuing chance to help where needed.

You all remain in our hearts and prayers.  May you each enjoy the peace and blessings of Christmas.


Justin O’Dell
Attorney at Law