Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who Knew?

Recent studies have shown a new highly addictive substance that has gotten a crazy amount of attention within the past few years. This may come as a shock to most of you, but we are talking about bath salts. This new legal drug's label states that it is not intended for human consumption, but it appears that these "bath salts" have been used for just that, human consumption. The bath salts contain the unrestricted drug mephedrone, which is a stimulant that creates a high fairly similar to methamphetamine or cocaine. Since the packets come with the disclaimer of "not for human consumption," it is not subject to regulation even though it contains severely dangerous chemicals. The American Association of Poison Control Centers have reported a jaw dropping number of calls related to the exposure to bath salts. In 2010, 303 calls were reported due to bath salts. By the following year in 2011, an estimated 6,138 calls were made relating to this highly addictive substance. The number continues to grow when the Poison Control Center stated that in January of 2012 alone, 228 calls had already been made.

This highly addictive substance causes intense paranoia, psychosis and suicidal thoughts. To learn more about this drug and  horrific substance that is now being sold in our gas stations, convenient stores, and even online, check out the newly released book "Bath Salts: The Deadly Facts."

Introducing our 2012 Board of Directors

We are very excited to introduce to you our 2012 Board of Directors! This wonderful group of individuals strives to improve our community daily and their hard work is very much appreciated. We are looking forward to seeing what this next year has in store for us!

Executive Director
Brin Black
Executive Director at Reconnecting Families, Inc.

Executive Board
Justin O’Dell: Board Chair
Liz Cole: Vice Chair
Jonnie Garner: Secretary

Government, Funding & Development Planning
Justin O’Dell
Liz Cole
Nurdan Cornelius
Mea Fagiola
Michelle Marchant-Wellmon: Director of Juvenile Court
Charlotte Evans: Child Advocate at Juvenile Court

Sarah Gaither
Beth K. Tyler: Senior Vice President Commercial Lending at Landmark Bank
Susan Weeks
Mea Fagiola
Michelle Marchant-Wellmon

Bill Musial: TopDog
Kristi Burris
Shelby Robert: CEO of Star-Tech, Inc.

Kristi Burris - Social Media

Shelby Robert - Website
Bill Musial - Website

Kristi Burris - Thank You Programs
Debbie Ponder: Account Manager, COIC at Suddath Relocation Systems of Atlanta - Thank You Programs

Task Forces
Carrie Kennedy: Celebrate/Strengthening Families

Justin O’Dell: Graduations
Nurdan Cornelius: Graduations
Sara Clay: Graduations
Peggy Houghton: Graduations

Karen Carter: Five Year Plan
Kristi Burris: Five Year Plan

Mazi Mazloom - The Mazloom Law Firm, LLC: Five Year Plan
Bert Reeves: Five Year Plan
Peggy Houghton: Five Year Plan

Carrie Kennedy: Annual Shopping Event
Mea Fagiola: Annual Shopping Event
Peggy Houghton: Annual Shopping Event

Babe Atkins- Byrne

Justin O’Dell: Family Support
Mea Fagiola: Family Support
Alisha Wood: Family Support
Dianne Stanley: Family Support
Sara Clay: Family Support

Gail Brinkman: Clothes Closet

Chris Bethel: Edwards, Friedewald & Grayson - Scholarships

Debbie Ponder: Furniture Donations

Jonnie Garner: Administrative Assistance

We are very blessed to have each and every member on our Board this year! Thank you for all your hard work and support!

Jeff Whittingham

Monday, February 20, 2012

Advancing our Partnership with Atlanta Mission Makes Donations Easy

Moving, redecorating, or simply spring cleaning. Donate your gently used furniture, clothing and household items to Reconnecting Families.

Reconnecting Families has continued to partner with the Atlanta Mission to make donations easier.  Thanks to the efforts of  Reconnecting Families board member Debbie and Atlanta Mission representative Megan, a the partnership has been strenthened and that benefits both organizations. We will arrange to have your furniture picked up and placed with families that have completed our program requirements and are beginning a new start to their lives.

To schedule a furniture donation pickup contact Debbie at 678-255-7844. All donations are tax deductible.

Donations beyond Reconnecting Families' current needs will be provided to the Atlanta Mission for sale in their thrift stores.  Atlanta Mission's thrift stores are a major funding source for programs transforming lives of men, women and children facing homelessness. Your generosity will help make a difference in the lives of others in a meaningful way.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 State of the Judiciary Address Urges Changes to Juvenile Justice System

The Honorable Chief Justice Carol Hustein requested reforms be made to the juvenile justice system in her recent State of the Judiciary Address to the House Chambers at the State Capitol.

State cuts in mental health services, child welfare services and group homes leave few alternatives for juvenile judges who are faced with sending young people to locked facilities to receive treatment.

Honorable Chief Justice Carol Hustein

Chief Justice Hustein provided a unique parable to illustrate her point. “Have you heard about a group of people who were standing at a river bank when they watched an infant floating by and drowning in the river? One person dove in and rescued the child. But then another baby came floating by. And then another, and another! Frantic, everyone jumped in to try to save the babies. But they noticed one person walking away. Accusingly, they shouted, ‘Where are you going?’ He answered: I’m going upstream to stop whoever is throwing babies into the river.”

In Georgia, we are throwing children into youth prisons because many times no alternative exists.

Tasha was well on her way to adult prison. At the age of 8 her mother abandoned the family.  Although her father worked, they had little money and many times slept in their car. By 11 years old she was smoking marijuana and by 13, she was hooked on methamphetamine.

Tasha went in and out of Georgia’s YDC and boot camps. She describes the YDC as a miserable place full of miserable people who wanted to do harm. “You take away a little bit of bad with you.  You come out knowing worse people than when you went in and you build relationships with them.”

Everything changed when Tasha was assigned probation officer Jennifer King, who genuinely cared and refused to give up on her. Tasha got her G.E.D, drug treatment, and ultimately a job. Today she works fulltime in insurance taking care of her two daughters – as a tax payer, not a tax burden.  Without Jennifer, she says, it would have been easy to graduate to adult prison. Tasha often wonders how many teenagers could have turned their lives around if they had a Jennifer in their lives to help them along the way.

Georgia Representatives are now tasked with considering options to reform our state’s criminal justice system and resolving need for sentencing options other than prison alone for our youth.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Local support from Tip Top Poultry

Individuals in our Family Dependency Drug Court are phenomenal people who are all trying to get back on their feet. A constant struggle for some of the people in FDTC is trying to get back into the work force. As we all know, with this economy it is sometimes hard to find a job, but with the help of certain local companies and business, it is made possible! Marietta's well known Tip Top Poultry is a perfect example of a thriving business that is willing to help out and hire some of Cobb County's FDTC individuals. Tip Top Poultry, a family owned and operated company since 1947, is one of the most dominant players in today's poultry industry. Tip Top is known as one of the major processors and marketers of cooked and raw poultry products. Recently, Judge Juanita Stedman, Brin Black, and Dianne Stanley took a tour of Tip Top Poultry to see what it was all about. While on the tour, these women discovered all the hard work that goes into this incredible company and how every worker is valuable and needed. Tip Top's generosity to help hire some of the FDTC individuals will not only benefit their poultry industry, but give hope to the hired Drug Court individuals who are on their way to getting their lives back in order. Thank you so much Tip Top Poultry for all your support and encouragement!

To learn more about Tip Top Poultry, visit them at