Monday, February 21, 2011

The ALL RISE Philosophy...

Drug Courts Transform Lives Every Day

We believe that we are capable of far more together than we are alone. That’s the driving force behind the NADCP. It’s the motivation we use to change our justice system.

We can start by acknowledging that to advance society we must preserve the individual parts, our people. We can agree that when drug use affects one of us, it is shared by all of us. That drug use and the crime it leads to are formidable adversaries, and overcoming them will be our greatest social victory.

We can start by telling our neighbors and friends what we know for a fact. That compelling people to overcome their drug use rather than locking them up returns far more to society. That treatment and accountability combine to produce long-term recovery. And that long-term recovery from drug use reduces crime; unburdens our prison system; strengthens our society; eases our healthcare load; and creates educated workers, whole families, healthy children and vibrant communities.

We can start by fully funding Drug Courts that already exist throughout our country. We can expand their reach to everyone in need.

Drug Courts are the solution in thousands of communities in all 50 states and continue to expand to other countries. A movement with over one million success stories. A movement that is fueled by the passion and work of over 38,000 justice and treatment professionals.
Working together we will put a Drug Court within reach of every American in need. We will transform the justice system and lift up our society one neighbor at a time.

That's what we mean when we say, "All Rise".

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