Monday, March 21, 2011

Former Congressman Testifies on Behalf of Drug Courts

Former Congressman Ramstad Testifies on Behalf of Drug Courts
On Friday, March 11, former Congressman Jim Ramstad (R/MN), Senior Policy Advisor for NADCP, testified before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies. This is the Subcommittee that will determine the Fiscal Year (FY)’12 appropriation for the Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Former Congressman Ramstad eloquently demonstrated to the Subcommittee that Drug Courts are a proven budget solution, a public safety solution, and a solution for veterans in need.  He requested that the Subcommittee approve no less than $50 million for the Drug Court program at DOJ. In addition, he urged that the Subcommittee support $50 million for Drug Courts at DOJ as they work to finalize the FY’11 budget.

During the hearing, former Congressman Ramstad had the opportunity to introduce a Drug Court graduate from Loudoun County, Virginia, located in the district of Chairman Frank Wolf (R-VA). Members of the Subcommittee were moved by Former Congressman Ramstad’s testimony and the graduate’s story:

"It is important to remember that behind all of the statistics, all of the debate, there are people like Jonathan who have transformed their lives in Drug Court. Today he is celebrating 3 years and 38 days in recovery. Mr. Chairman, this man and thousands more like him are the returns on your investment. Real lives transformed in Drug Court into hardworking, taxpaying members of their community."
Former Congressman Ramstad’s superb testimony is an outstanding example of NADCP’s ongoing message to Capitol Hill. Click here to download.   
Former Congressman Jim Ramstad greets Jonathan, a graduate of Virginia's Loudoun County Drug Court. 

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