Monday, June 27, 2011

Friends Helping Friends

Wednesday at 10:00 AM June 22, 2011 the Cobb County Friendship Club held its semi-annual allocation ceremony. Club president Bill Shelton presented checks totaling $43,500 to 27 local charities. Reconnecting Families is fortunate enough to again be included as one of the recipients! Pictured above is Justin O'Dell accepting the grant on behalf of RF.

Back in December of 2010, Reconnecting Families received our first grant from the organization and since then has grown a strong and loyal relationship with the Friendship Club. This outstanding group has helped not only the RF non-profit organization, but also other groups like the Boys & Girls Club, Center for Family Resources, Cure Childhood Cancer, Meals on Wheels and the Special Olympics.

The Friendship Club is an organization of county government employees who give back to the community by donating a portion of each paycheck to assist charitable organizations and fellow employees. Since its inception in 1972, the club has donated more than $1.3 million to local charities and provided more than $250,000 to county employees who faced financial crises.

RF would also like to give a special thanks to this organization and Bill Shelton for their continued support and aid!

For more information about the Cobb County Friendship Club be sure to visit their Facebook page by clicking here!

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