Thursday, December 22, 2011

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the Air...

Tis the holiday season and myself, The Board of Directors and all those associated with Reconnecting Families, Inc would like to thank all who have helped make this year an overwhelming success.  RF has raised more this year than in any previous year, has welcomed Governor Deal to an FDTC Graduation, funded more GED's than ever before, and offered a hand-up to countless mothers and juveniles in the drug court programs.  Twenty families were adopted for Christmas and will wake up to trees filled with presents and kitchens stocked with food.  But there is no better way to express what we do here at the court than the words of a Juvenile who has benefited from the love of RF and the Juvenile Court Team:

Dear the RF (Reconnecting Families) Team,

Hello my name is Quanteryion XXX XXX.  I am 16 years old and I come to you with great news.  News about how you guys have truly blessed my Grandmother and I, who are two more people you can add to your success list. Two more people you have blessed.  I understand you might be reading this letter wondering how did we bless you or how are we helping or affecting people in a positive way.  Well, you have affected my grandmother and I by giving us just that much more to be thankful for.  You made our Thanksgiving the best we have had in the last few years and you guys have done that in a few ways.  One, by giving us a Kroger gift card and two, by giving us more to be thankful for.  On a personal note, you have helped me by giving me two early Christmas gifts.  The first one was a laptop which I desperately need for college.  How awesome is that! And the second one is showing me a moral code of conduct in a way by teaching me patience, hope, faith and humility.  How did you do this? By showing me more people do care and behind the door of all kindness isn’t a snake waiting to strike.  You guys showed me this and so much more and honestly I am amazed and shocked to the point that there is so much more I want to say but strangely, for once, I have no idea how to say it.  Thank you, and what you do is how I feel everyone in the world should be.  You are true role models, heroes even. Like a mini team of multiple supermen and superwomen.  I thank you, my Grandmother thanks you  for all you have done for us, to all you are doing for everyone.  You guys are truly a blessing.  Thank you once again and Happy Holidays.

Sincerely Yours,

Quanteryion X. XXX

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all and a special thanks to the "multiple supermen and superwomen" of Reconnecting Families, Inc!!!

-Brin Black
Executive Director
Reconnecting Families, Inc

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Reason to Celebrate!

                        We are Family

Recently, Celebrating Families has played a big part in Reconnecting Families. The program of Celebrating Families is unlike any other program because it focuses on breaking the trend of alcohol or drug addiction that may run in families. The Celebrating Families!™ curriculum is an evidence based cognitive behavioral, support group model written for families in which one or both parents have a serious problem with alcohol or other drugs and in which there is a high risk for domestic violence, child abuse, or neglect. Celebrating Families!™ works with every member of the family, from ages 3 through adult, to strengthen recovery from alcohol and/or other drugs, break the cycle of addiction and increase successful family reunification. Celebrating Families!™ fosters the development of safe, healthy, fulfilled, and addiction-free individuals and families by increasing resiliency factors and decreasing risk factors while incorporating addiction recovery concepts with healthy family living skills. This organization genuinely cares about each and every family in the program and strives for improvement in every member of the family. Thanks so much Celebrating Families for all that you have done! Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Here's a Great Way to Give Back this Christmas!

The frantic Christmas shopping has begun! Here at Reconnecting Families, many individuals and families have taken on the responsibility of adopting a family and taking care of them for Christmas. Adopting a family for Christmas is an amazing way to get involved during the Holidays and to give a helping hand to families who are struggling and in need of assistance. Allowing children less fortunate to have wrapped presents underneath the Christmas tree to open up Christmas morning is a memory that will last forever, for both them and you. A special thank you to all the generous supporters of Reconnecting Families who have graciously adopted a family this Christmas; your donations and contributions are greatly appreciated and you are truly making a difference this Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Breakfast with Santa 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Our friends at the Marietta First Baptist Church here have done it again!  Another wonderful holiday season was kicked off for the families of our Family Dependency Treatment Program.  There is no better description of the amazing event than the thank you letter written by Judge Juanita Stedman to the church.

In Judge Stedman's words:

CIA Class/Larry Stevens
Marietta First Baptist Church
148 Church Street
Marietta, Ga.  30060
Dear Friends,

            This past Saturday the moms, dads and children that are participants in our
Family Dependency Treatment Court
were part of what many of our families have been looking forward to since last Christmas’ Breakfast with Santa at First Baptist Church of Marietta.  Once again there was wonderful holiday chaos with Santa, food, face painting, family portraits, gifts and so much more.  All which took much effort from your Sunday School Class.

            Each family comes with their own individual story which includes the tragedy of parents whose drug addiction resulted in their family being torn apart, unemployment and often homelessness.  Many of the children have spent many holidays sad and disappointed.  Yet, looking at the faces of those children, hearing their laughter and even feeling their hugs at Breakfast with Santa, one could not see their hidden scars.  Instead all of you gave them a family holiday time like all of us have spent with our own children.  With that comes not only joy but for those parents a sense of dignity many of them have not experienced as parents.  Thank you!!

            Some of the parents in attendance have children in foster care.  That is true of Christina and Marty who were at Breakfast enjoying a visit with their five month old baby.  Both are meth addicts who were living under a bridge in Cobb County until a bed was available at residential treatment.  Seeing them with their child truly took my breath away.  Before we left Christina and Marty gave me a Christmas ornament, a heart which said “Family Is the Tradition Which Lasts Forever”.  Thank you to all of you for helping them begin the tradition of “family”.

            CIA, Christians in Action, what an appropriate name for your Sunday School Class.  Your “action” as Christians which included hard work, kindness, generosity and acceptance gave all the children a wonderful time with their parents… a life long memory.  I just heard the quote, “we gain blessings by association” and I assure you that after spending Saturday with all of the CIA members at Breakfast with Santa I, my staff and all our families are truly blessed.

            Thank you for showing our families the true meaning of Christmas in such a very special way.  Each of you and the entire First Baptist Church of Marietta mean so much to our Court and the families we serve.


                                                                                                            Juanita P. Stedman