Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NADCP Receives More Support!

It is no surprise to the NADCP that overall, great improvement is made from those who enter into Drug Courts. Recently, the NADCP has received support from Martin Sheen. Sheen was among a diverse panel of experts to speak at a briefing regarding the latest Drug Court Research. Martin Sheen's appearance at Capitol Hill was to urge Members of Congress to continue their widespread support of Drug Courts. In the meeting, numerous members of Congress joined in the statement that, "We're all here today with one purpose, and that is to ensure that congress holds the line on the $88 million dollars that they are currently investing in Drug Courts." The Drug Court funding needs to continue because the individuals and families changed within this program are absolutely incredible. A Congressman quotes that he is very grateful for the compassion and concern that Americans have been showing towards the Drug Courts and that "they clearly understand the extraordinary bargain Drug Courts are for taxpayers, saving up to $27 for every $1 invested. Obviously Drug Courts are the very best deal Congress can make to reduce crime and the social consequences related to drug addiction and I am extremely confident that they will all rise to the occasion and return the appropriation necessary to continue the Drug Court dream, a dream that helps lift up this nation and all of its people.”

The NADCP fights for those people who deserve a second chance at life and want to clean up their pasts and make a new name for themselves. It is our job to help support this phenominal cause!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mothers Making A Change Impacts Women of Cobb County

One of Cobb County's very own graduates of Mothers Making A Change (a substance abuse treatment program in Marietta) recently spoke out about how without programs such as the one she was once in, she may not be here today. With the help and support from Mothers Making A Change, this woman was able to go against the odds and get her life back to where she wanted it. Once a drug addict and in jail, she now has her three children back and is ready to turn the page and make a new start for herself and kids. Other graduates from Mothers Making A Change make their stories known to the public in order to encourage and raise awareness towards the numerous substance abuse programs available. State budgets are being cut, which will affect the federal money given to substance abuse programs in every state. It is our job to continue supporting these amazing programs that are striving to change people's lives daily!

To read more about the article visit http://www.ajc.com/news/drug-abuse-program-faces-1265579.html

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Drug Courts Nationwide Receive Support

Something that Cobb County takes great pride in is their Drug Court and what all this program entails. The Drug Court has proven to be a viable, successful operation which disposes of drug cases in a rapid and efficient manner while holding defendants accountable for their actions. The National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) has noticed a public increase in support and encouragement towards making sure Drug Courts are taken seriously and are effective among the people. Golden Globe and Emmy nominated actor Matthew Perry is one of the various strong supporters of Drug Courts and what they stand for. Recently, Matthew Perry joined the NADCP's CEO, Board Chair Judge, former congressmen, and board members at Capitol Hill. The delegation met to discuss the federal funding for Drug Courts. Despite the economic turmoil and elimination of many federal programs, Drug Courts could receive $86 million in funding when the budget is finalized! With not only Perry's, but many other American icons' support, the goal to reach $86 is definately within reach! To learn more or help support Drug Courts, visit http://www.nadcp.org/. The NADCP is changing lifes daily and needs your help and support!