Thursday, January 12, 2012

Drug Courts Nationwide Receive Support

Something that Cobb County takes great pride in is their Drug Court and what all this program entails. The Drug Court has proven to be a viable, successful operation which disposes of drug cases in a rapid and efficient manner while holding defendants accountable for their actions. The National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) has noticed a public increase in support and encouragement towards making sure Drug Courts are taken seriously and are effective among the people. Golden Globe and Emmy nominated actor Matthew Perry is one of the various strong supporters of Drug Courts and what they stand for. Recently, Matthew Perry joined the NADCP's CEO, Board Chair Judge, former congressmen, and board members at Capitol Hill. The delegation met to discuss the federal funding for Drug Courts. Despite the economic turmoil and elimination of many federal programs, Drug Courts could receive $86 million in funding when the budget is finalized! With not only Perry's, but many other American icons' support, the goal to reach $86 is definately within reach! To learn more or help support Drug Courts, visit The NADCP is changing lifes daily and needs your help and support!

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