Friday, March 9, 2012

Breaking free from addiction

Drug courts throughout the state provide individuals with the opportunity to become clean, sober and productive citizens again. The Atlanta Journal Constitution recently profiled a graduate of the Dawson County drug court, Tammy Jordan.

A series of bad decisions led to a methamphetamine addiction and multiple arrests for possession.  After ending up in an undercover sting as a party to the crime of selling meth, she was facing three to five years in prison.  In jail, Tammy heard about the drug court and, determined to become drug free, wanted to enter it.

After her father agreed to let her live with him, she entered the drug court program.  During her time in the program, Tammy never failed a drug test. She was required to call a number every morning at 5 a.m. to see if she needed to show up to take a drug test. “That number taught me stability and responsibility. If not for it, you could go out and get high whenever I wanted. With it, I knew, absolutely no,” said Tammy.

Tammy now works as an account manager, just bought a brand new car and has been reunited with her two daughters.

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