Friday, April 13, 2012

Why Are Drug Courts Important?

For those of you who are still not totally and completely sold on the fact that drug courts are incredible and that your money is definitely going towards a phenomenal cause, then this article is for you. The Washington Times' article gives readers four reasons "why these courts must be at the center of any criminal justice reform process."

"First, and most importantly, drug courts are the nation’s most effective strategy in reducing recidivism - especially among drug-addicted, nonviolent offenders with long criminal histories. By closely supervising participants and keeping them in treatment long enough to transform into productive members of their community, drug courts significantly reduce the use of jails and prisons, improve employment and family functioning, and save money by reducing crime, health care utilization and victim compensation. The courts, furthermore, reunite broken families, intervene with juveniles on the brink of a debilitating life of addiction and crime, and stop repeat drunk drivers.

Second, the data backing up the drug courts is no longer up for debate. The rapid growth of drug courts in the past two decades has inspired researchers to pay attention. More research has been published on the effects of the courts than on virtually all other criminal justice programs combined. The facts are now known: Drug courts reduce crime by up to 50 percent and have been found to save up to $13,000 for every individual they serve. We also now know that 75 percent of those who complete drug court are never arrested again, an impressive track record for the courts.

Third, drug courts stepped up to serve the growing number of veterans who face charges stemming from substance abuse to mental health issues. By connecting our veterans to the benefits and treatment they earned through military service, drug courts and veterans treatment courts ensure that veterans do not fall through the cracks when they become involved with our criminal justice system. It also provides a critical stopgap to prevent future veteran homelessness.

Fourth, drug courts are being successfully rolled out across the country. In our home state of California, for example, the courts are courageously combating the scourge of methamphetamine and prescription-drug abuse. This same success is being replicated across the country, from rural towns to our largest cities. Drug courts now number more than 2,400 and are located in every U.S. state. They represent truly nonpartisan drug policy."

To read The Washington Times full article, visit

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