Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank you Marietta Kiwanis!!!

Reconnecting Families would like to give a big thank you to the Marietta Kiwanis Club for their donation of $500.00 for new cribs and bedding for the children of our participants!

The Marietta Kiwanis Club has been present in our community since 1930, which was shortly after the founding of Kiwanis International. The organization has been a strong participant in community service over the years, and has been such a wonderful help to the participants of Reconnecting Families. Marietta Kiwanis consists of many passionate and generous members who are avid supporters of outreaching to children in the Marietta community.

The Marietta Kiwanis Club hosted a wonderful lunch last Thursday to award the check to Reconnecting Families. At the lunch were many Kiwanis Club members, including Debbie Ponder, who is also a member of the Reconnecting Families' board of directors. We are so grateful to have an amazing board to represent us in the community! Also in attendance at this Kiwanis function was former Governor, Roy Barnes, who was there to show his support for Kiwanis and the community. The Executive Director of Reconnecting Families, Brin Black, was also there representing Reconnecting Families to accept the check. It was a wonderful event, and we would like to thank Ms. Ellen Springer, the Marietta Kiwanis President, for presenting the check and being a wonderful asset to the Marietta community!

Thank you so much to the fabulous Marietta Kiwanis Club! Our community is very grateful to have you there to support all of us, and you are most appreciated!

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