Monday, November 19, 2012

Congratulations to Judge Stedman and Justin O'Dell!

Every year, the Cobb Community Collaborative honors members of the community who have shown outstanding service to those in need in Cobb County. The Cobb Community Collaborative honors a volunteer and a professional who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve those in need in memory of Jack Vaughan, Jr.. Jack Vaughan, Jr. was a state representative and devoted member of the Cobb Community Collaborative who showed unselfish dedication to public service and strongly advocated for those less fortunate in our community. 

Reconnecting Families would like to congratulate Justin O'Dell for being nominated for the volunteer award. We are very fortunate to have Justin as our Board Chair. He has exceeded every expectation in this position, and his passion for the community is made obvious by his determination and motivation in helping our mission succeed. Thank you for everything you do, Justin! We are grateful for your wonderful service on our Board! 

We would also like to congratulate Judge Stedman for winning the professional award. It is an honor to have Judge Stedman serve Cobb County. Her charitable heart speaks volumes about her passion for the community. Through her hard work and compassion for others, she has changed the lives of many people. She is highly regarded as not just a Judge, but a wonderful asset to the community and a great friend. Thank you for everything you do, Judge Stedman. You have most definitely earned this award, and we are sure there will be many more to come!

Again, congratulations to both of you! We are very lucky to have you fighting for the Reconnecting Families mission!

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