Saturday, November 10, 2012

Toy Shower for Reconnecting Families

Reconnecing Families would like to thank Ms. Dee Allison and her friends of "The Circle" at John Knox Presbyterian Church for having a Toy Shower in honor of the Reconnecting Families participants. Ms. Allison had the great misfortune of her house catching fire and burning down. Her friends offered to throw a shower for the purpose of building her house back up, but instead Ms. Allison decided she would rather give back to the community and throw a toy shower for the participants of Reconnecting Families instead.

Representatives of Reconnecting Families attended the shower and attest to how great the experience was, and how wonderful the women are that they were able to meet. These generous ladies donated many gift cards and toys to the children of our participants, which we are sure will put a huge smile on their faces this holiday season!!

Thank you again to "The Circle" of John Knox Presbyterian Church and Ms. Dee Allison. Our community is lucky to have such wonderful supporters!

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