Monday, December 10, 2012

CNN Hails Drug Courts as Drug Policy Solution

Erin Burnett PHOTOS

CNN's Erin Burnett Out Front attracted many viewers in her segment on Drug Courts and the withdrawl from the "War on Drugs". Judge Pollack and the Broward County, Florida Drug Court are highlighted in this piece and bring some great statistics about Drug Courts and drug prevention to the table!

CNN states: "America has been hooked on the fight against drugs for decades. It cost more than $1 trillion dollars. But, there's a shift underway to revolutionize how America combats its drug problem.And it has the support of not only President Barack Obama but also his Republican rival Mitt Romney."

It is great to see that the White House is now trying to focus more on preventing drug abuse and offering more treatment options versus punishing those who need help.  

To watch the full video segment, please click here.

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