Monday, March 18, 2013

JLCM Helps RF with Baskets!

Junior League of Cobb Marietta helps out again!

Treatment Baskets are a big part of what Reconnecting Families does to make our FDTC participants successful in their new sober lives.  As a participant enters residential treatment, they are required to bring with them 2 weeks worth of food and personal hygiene items.  This may seem small, but for our participants who have been left with nothing due to a life of drug abuse, this is a huge expense.  RF provides a basket with all the necessary items to increase their chances of successful drug abuse treatment.

Our good friends, the Junior League of Cobb Marietta, donated and organized 17 treatment baskets for our FDTC families.

Thanks so much to the JLCM for all your hard work and dedication!!

1 comment:

  1. It is so rewarding to see donations ready to help someone out! Thanks for sharing!
