Monday, July 18, 2011

Hey, Don't Forget..

Just a friendly reminder of all the fundraising campaigns that are currently going on here at Reconnecting Families this summer!


Ending on September 1, 2011, is Reconnecting Families partnership with Deal Steward which began in May in order to help promote the Deal Steward organization to community members in Cobb County. This partnership in return has donated and continues to donate money for Reconnecting Families by giving a percent of the online sales proceeds to our non-profit program.
Also, do not forget that Deal Steward has organized a 90-day member drive, and the drive is almost over! For each member that registers with a Cobb County email address, which is determined by zip code, Deal Steward will donate $1.00 to the Reconnecting Families organization through September 1, 2011. 

To register with Deal Steward please visit the following link: 

For more information on Deal Steward, please visit the home website:

Harry's Market DONATE YOUR DIME campaign is back and in gear!  Don't forget to keep saving those extra dimes and other spare change. Next time you are in Harry's Market checking out tell your cashier you want to donate your dime!

Starting this week, Reconnecting Families will set up a booth during lunch in the market. There will be a member from RF at the booth and there will be information on the Reconnecting Families program and a place for you to donate.

Don't be shy, come in and show your support to not only RF but to Harry's Fresh Market!

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