Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Another Twist to Accountability

Most of us cannot imagine going over seas and having to fight for our lives and country, but think about all the traumatic events our brave soldiers are forced to see and experience daily while trying to protect our country. With this being said, it is evident that when soldiers get to hop on a plane and finally come back home, it is very possible that they may suffer from mental health issues due to all the horrible things they have had to witness while being deployed.

Assistant District Attorney Ray Herman caught on to the fact that he was seeing quite a few veterans in his court lately. Individuals who had once been fighting over seas, had come back to the states and started to break the law. Herman stated that a, "significant number of veterans are returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with mental health issues that can manifest themselves in criminal acts both great and small." Because of this problem occurring more frequently all over the country, veterans treatment court was established. Veterans treatment court focuses on allowing veterans with mental health related issues from the war, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and mild traumatic brain injury, to be a part of an accountability system that allows you to receive treatment for whatever your problem may be. This court is a blend of drug and mental-health courts. "It aims to divert people from the traditional criminal system. It provides veterans suffering from substance abuse, alcoholism and mental-health issues, with treatment, support, training and housing." A current member of Buffalo's veterans treatment court states, "It's a very hard program," but that he now has a future ahead of him. Veterans treatment court has ultimately changed so many of our humble and brave soldier's lives and we will continue to support these men and women through veterans treatment court.

To continue reading about personal stories from veterans apart of the veterans court treatment and to learn more about what this court treatment is really all about, visit

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