Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Serving on a Non-Profit Board

I'm sure there are numerous individuals out there who are interested and eager to help serve on a non-profit board, but just don't know how to go about doing it. Whether it be the desire to reach out and help serve your community, or some alternative motives such as wanting to build up your resume, there is a proper way to go about being a member of a board.

Randy Hain is the Managing Partner and Shareholder of Bell Oaks, which is a nationally recognized executive search firm. Through Hain's personal experience throughout the past twenty years, he has concluded key points that he believes everyone should know before considering being apart of a non-profit's board. He states that anyone who wants to be on a board must initially ask themselves a few questions, such as does this non-profit have a good reputation? How much of my time will be required in order to serve on the board? When do we meet? Is there a minimum donation that I must make before hand? Am I willing to give this non-profit my devoted time and attention? Hain then continues to tell the readers that there are other ways to serve your non-profit besides just writing a fat check every month. Ideas such as volunteering your office or house to host a small gathering to discuss important events with the non-profit, giving donations in the name of your clients or supporters to other local charities and non-profits instead of giving them Christmas gift baskets, and holding a Forum for your business and inviting charities to be the sponsors are just a few of Hain's great ideas. Don't forget that the most important part when it comes to serving on a non-profit board is to never over commit. Only put enough on your plate that you can  handle!

Visit to view the full article giving advice to potential non-profit board members

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